Ei Kathati Mone Rekho Mp3 Songs
Ei Kathati Mone Rekho - Rabindranath Tagore cover album
Album Name Ei Kathati Mone Rekho
Singer Rabindranath Tagore
Total Songs 51

You can download the "Ei Kathati Mone Rekho" MP3 album by Rabindranath Tagore, which includes 51 tracks. This is a album, and all the songs are available for free download Ei Kathati Mone Rekho, Ei Kathati Mone Rekho full mp3 album download mr jatt, Ei Kathati Mone Rekho all songs download mp3.

Track List
Suprabhat Soumitra Chatterjee
Je Ratey Mor Duarguli-Chitralekha Dr. Chitralekha Chowdhury
Bol Golap More Bol-Ashoketaru Ashoketaru Banerjee
Aaji Bijan Ghare Batuk Nandi
Dekho Dekho Shuktara Ruma Guha Thakurta
Hathat Dekha Soumitra Chatterjee
Pous Toder Daak Diyechhe Arghya Sen, Ritu Guhathakurta
Prangane Mor Tarun Tapan
Har Mana Har-Archana Archana Mukherjee
Hriday Aamar-Bandana Bandana Singha
Keno Tomra Amay Dako Gayetri Chowdhury
Baje Karuna Sure Ruma Guha Thakurta
Ogo Aamar Chiro Achena Biswarupa Sengupta
Banshi Soumitra Chatterjee
Prabhu Aamaro Somen Banerjee
Pran Bhariye Sudhin Sarkar
Na Chahiley Jare Paoya Jay-Chitralekha Dr. Chitralekha Chowdhury
Pratham Aalor Charan Somnath Banerjee
Tomra Ja Bolo Taai Bolo Ashoketaru Banerjee
Akashe Aaj-Ritu Ritu Guhathakurta
Kul Theke Mor Surita Sen
Kaar Milan Chao Birahi Akhil Bandhu Ghosh
Hemante Kon Basanteri Somnath Banerjee
Jharer Dine Soumitra Chatterjee
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