Gaan Theke Kobita Mp3 Songs
Gaan Theke Kobita -  cover album
Album Name Gaan Theke Kobita
Label Bhavna Records & Cassettes
Total Songs 12

You can download the "Gaan Theke Kobita" MP3 album by , which includes 12 tracks. This is a Bengali album, and all the songs are available for free download Gaan Theke Kobita, Gaan Theke Kobita full mp3 album download mr jatt, Gaan Theke Kobita all songs download mp3.

Track List
Basanta Se Jay Indira Shilpigoshthi
Daibe Tumi Pramita Mullick
Eso Go Jwele Abhirup Guha Thakurta
Ahoban Pranati Thakur
Adhora Madhuri Srabani Sen
Ogo Tumi Panchodoshi Debarati Some
Swapne Amar Indira Shilpigoshthi
Aji Megh Kete Anindya Narayan Biswas
Mamo Dukkher Sadhon Swastika Mukhopadhyay
Badol Diner Rajashree Bhattacharya
Deoa Neoa Ratna Mitra
Bani Mor Nahi Srinanda Mukhopadhyay
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