Gidha Pao Kurhio, Vol - 1 Mp3 Songs
Gidha Pao Kurhio, Vol - 1 - Amar Noori cover album
Album Name Gidha Pao Kurhio, Vol - 1
Singer Amar Noori
Label Catrack Entertainment Private Limited
Total Songs 4

You can download the "Gidha Pao Kurhio, Vol - 1" MP3 album by Amar Noori, Dolly Malkiat, Satwinder Bitti, Suchet Bala, which includes 4 tracks. This is a Punjabi album, and all the songs are available for free download Gidha Pao Kurhio, Vol - 1, Gidha Pao Kurhio, Vol - 1 full mp3 album download mr jatt, Gidha Pao Kurhio, Vol - 1 all songs download mp3.

Track List
Gidha Pao Kurhio Amar Noori, Dolly Malkiat, Satwinder Bitti, Suchet Bala
Shagna Da Gidha Amar Noori, Dolly Malkiat, Satwinder Bitti, Suchet Bala
Khichdi Ch Ve Amar Noori, Dolly Malkiat, Satwinder Bitti, Suchet Bala
Chaleya Daang Te Sota Amar Noori, Dolly Malkiat, Satwinder Bitti, Suchet Bala
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