Rajasthani Holi Geet -Loor Mp3 Songs
Rajasthani Holi Geet -Loor - Pt. Jwala Prasad cover album
Album Name Rajasthani Holi Geet -Loor
Singer Pt. Jwala Prasad
Label T-Series
Total Songs 12

You can download the "Rajasthani Holi Geet -Loor" MP3 album by Pt. Jwala Prasad, which includes 12 tracks. This is a Rajasthani album, and all the songs are available for free download Rajasthani Holi Geet -Loor, Rajasthani Holi Geet -Loor full mp3 album download mr jatt, Rajasthani Holi Geet -Loor all songs download mp3.

Track List
Gale Mein Hone Ro Doro Ramila Gahlot, Pushpa Gahlot
Kaaj Liye Angrakhi Ramila Gahlot, Pushpa Gahlot
Pelo Nom Leejo Mali Chhawarlal Gahlot, Ganpat Joshi
Neni Nandal Buje Ramila Gahlot, Ganpat Joshi, Devendra Dev
Bhakhar Mein Dhamida Uthe Ramila Gahlot, Pushpa Gahlot
Raja Bali Ke Machi Holi Ramila Gahlot, Pushpa Gahlot
Oonchi Medi Ujali Ramila Gahlot, Ganpat Joshi, Devendra Dev
O Phagan Aayo Ramila Gahlot
Rate To Sasuji Thora Ramila Gahlot, Pushpa Gahlot
Jorji Chopawal Mali Chhawarlal Gahlot, Devendra Dev, Bhanwar Lal Nimaaj
Mhainmhara Jaithji Ramila Gahlot, Pushpa Gahlot
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